
I got into reading Chinese novels rather late, around 2 years ago? My first ever novel was The King’s Avatar and it got me hooked to Chinese novels and leading to where I am now.

I’ve read a large variety of Chinese novels, ranging from cultivation to world hopping, but as I am a student, it is rather difficult to keep up with many novels at the same time. Novels that have character angst are usually one of my tops though! I really do enjoy a good angst every now and then, but most of my top novels usually have lots of angst leading to a happy end.

Chinese is a language I have been speaking since young, but I’ve never been the best at it. Chinese is my mother tongue, but I’m only good at reading and speaking; not much of written Chinese. I picked up translating in hopes of improving both fluency and my grades, but it has stuck with me and is something I rather enjoy. However there are time where I struggle with the phrasing and have to rely on MTL, so my translations would mostly be based on my own interpretation and sometimes MTL!

I have decided to start translating mostly to escape studies but like I mentioned, this continues to fuel my want of reading novels so I guess it isn’t all that bad. I had thought of translating a year ago, but had hesitated due to my poor comprehension of the language (I think I’m better now!). I will occasionally translate some song lyrics but they are not my top priority, it’s more of for my own enjoyment and interest.

This is a rather short About post, hope it helps understand more of me as a person!